1. Coaching Agreement
This agreement, between Brittany Anderson (herein named COACH) and the CLIENT, for the Momentum Collective Monthly Membership. This package is $199/month CAD for the full duration of the program.
Payment is due upon agreement being sent, via PayPal.
The service provided to the CLIENT by the COACH is COACHING, as designed by the COACH. COACHING, which is not directive advice, counseling or therapy, may address overall goals, specific projects or general conditions in the CLIENTS life or profession. COACHING services may include setting priorities, establishing goals, brainstorming, creating action plans, identifying resources, asking clarifying questions and providing models, examples and in the moment skills training. The COACH promises that all information by the CLIENT will be kept strictly confidential.
2. Cancellation and Rescheduling
Showing up for your Coaching Calls is very important. Not only does it show commitment to yourself and the work but also shows respect for both your and my time. I have a firm cancellation policy as outlined: If you need to cancel and re-schedule any one on one Coaching Call, you must do so at least 24 hours in advance. You may advise me by sending an email to [email protected], text or in our Voxer meet-up. If you need to cancel or reschedule your one on one Coaching Call within the 24 hours, it will be considered forfeited and there will not be an opportunity to reschedule for that session. Also please note that group calls will not be rescheduled, unless agreed upon so within the group. If an emergency occurs, please email or call me immediately and at my sole discretion, I will determine if the Coaching Call may be rescheduled. If not, again it will be forfeited.
3. Missed Payment
In the event that there is a problem with the payment transaction or method, you will be notified by e-mail and then given a 72 hour grace period to make payment following due date. After 72 hours, you will incur a $10 per day late fee. If no payment is made, the Program will be automatically terminated and no refund will be provided.
4. Refund Policy
If for some reason you are not satisfied and wish to stop the Program at any time, a one (1) month written notice is required outside of the initial program commitment. Due to time and effort and Program planning put in by your COACH, no refund will be provided for the initial coaching Program and only refunds with one (1) month written notice will be accepted outside the Program payments.
5. Final Terms and Conditions
In order for the relationship between COACH and CLIENT to achieve maximum results, the COACH asks the CLIENT to agree to the following:
- Please be on time for all appointments. If you will be late, notify the COACH in advance. If you will miss an appointment, please refer back to section 2. Cancellation and Rescheduling.
- Be honest, open and willing to participate fully in all your sessions.
- Make a commitment to the action plans created weekly by you.
- If you see the program is not working as you desire, communicate feedback with COACH to better address desired goals.
- All group sessions are recorded and will be uploaded to the groups Google Drive.
- All invoices are to be paid monthly on the 10th of each month, prior to any coaching calls.
Aside from what is provided in this agreement, the COACH makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied. In no event will the COACH be liable to the CLIENT for consequential or special damages. Notwithstanding any damages that the CLIENT may incur, the COACH's entire liability under this agreement, and the CLIENT'S exclusive remedy, will be limited to the amount paid by the CLIENT to the COACH under this agreement for all services rendered up until the termination date.
This is the entire agreement of the parties, and reflects a complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter. This agreement supersedes all prior written and oral representations.
If a dispute arises out of this agreement that cannot be resoled by mutual consent, the CLIENT and the COACH agree to attempt to mediate in good faith for up to 30 days after notice is given.
The CLIENT's signature on this agreement indicates compliance with the above requests, and understanding of the services to be provided.